Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Snacky Day and Side Dish Dinner

Monday I ended up basically snacking all day, with no real meals built in, even once dinner rolled around.  I started with my usual protein shake - banana, peanut butter, and chocolate. 
And later mid-morning I finished off the leftover pancakes from Sunday brunch.  They were just as good on day two! 
Shortly after lunch time should have been I got a bit hungry and snacked on a diced pear with dark chocolate dreams peanut butter. 

I don't know when I'll learn that a plain pear followed by a scoop of peanut butter alone on a spoon is better than the two combined ...  Oh well.  It was still a filling snack and almost held me over until dinner. 
I had to have a later than normal dinner Monday night because my boyfriend was coming home quite late (or eat alone before he came home, which I didn't want to do).  So I ate a piece of toast with lemon curd around 7:30 pm to hold me over.  I know lemon curd's not vegan, but I had it in my fridge from my accidental purchase long ago, and I decided I have to eat it eventually, so this was as good a time as any. 
Since dinner had to be pretty late, I decided to make something that took a little more time than I normally like to take to prepare.  I decided to make roasted rosemary potatoes and marinated, roasted brussel sprouts and mushrooms. 
I marinated the brussel sprouts and mushrooms in apple cider vinegar, olive oil, salt, and pepper and let them sit for about a half hour while.  Then I put the brussel sprouts and muchrooms in the oven when I tossed the potatoes half-way through cooking. 
I realize there was really no main course involved in this dinner, but really just two side items, but it was tasty nonetheless.  And my boyfriend said he didn't miss having a main course because everything was so flavorful and filling. 
So basically I made it through Monday without doing any real cooking or meal preparation at all ... just preparing snacks and side dishes.  Then again, I could probably live on snacks and side dishes happily for the rest of my life, so I don't mind a bit! 

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