Friday, August 16, 2013

Panda Visits the Vet

Happy Friday!  TGIF, right?  Not so much for me because we're moving ONE WEEK FROM TOMORROW!!!  Yeah, I'm pretty much freaking out.  We have so much crap, and so little of it is packed. 
To make matters worse I had to take Panda to the vet yesterday.  She hates strangers and the vet is the worst stranger of them all.  My sweet little girl just disappears at the vet and she turns into a homicidal maniac.  They actually have a note on her chart warning them that she's nuts. 
They were able to pacify her for most of the examination using wet food on a little plate.  She happily chomped away with only a few growls while they poked and prodded - even when she got her temperature taken you-know-where! But after a while she caught onto the trick and proceeded to have none of it.  They wrapped her up in a towel for the needle part, with a strategy they called "burritoing".  I'll never look at a burrito the same way again.  Poor Panda ...
But she survived and they said she looks good and isn't even too overweight.  Yay for small victories! 
Now I can go back to concentrating on packing and cleaning ...  I already killed 1/4 of my brain cells this morning using the super oven cleaner foam. 

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