Thursday night I decided to make another dinner from Vegan Soul Kitchen. This book has has so many tasty-looking recipes, I can't possibly stop at just one!
But first ... breakfast. I started my day with a chocolate banana protein shake.
I know it seems pretty boring to have almost the same breakfast every single day, but going between vanilla with fruit and chocolate keeps things interesting (in my opinion) ... not to mention all the different options for fruit combos. This probably wouldn't work for someone who prefers a savory breakfast like bacon and eggs, but I'm happy to start my day with a sweet treat!
On my way to work I passed by a sight you would only ever see in Baltimore. A home-made snowball truck. That is ... the truck is home-made. See that sign? It's literally taped onto the side of the truck! It was so funny I had to take a picture.
For lunch I enjoyed leftover coconut tempeh cubes with creamy parsnip sauce. Plus I snacked on carrots on the side. And I may or may not have had a spoonful of peanut butter with the carrots ...
Okay ... I did :)
Now getting back to Vegan Soul Kitchen ... For yesterday's dinner I picked out two recipes: cumin-cayenne mashed potatoes with caramelized onions and whole grain mustard and cornmeal crusted seitan.
I was expecting to love the mashed potatoes and thought the seitan might be the riskier recipe, but it turned out exactly the opposite!
I loved the way the seitan turned out, though I used strips and I think I was supposed to use seitan in a different form. (The recipe instructed you to cut the seitan into "medallions".) But I think it tasted great either way. Even my boyfriend said he liked it, and he's normally not a big fan of seitan.
The mashed potatoes, on the other hand, were slightly spicy, but mostly really sweet (because of the caramelized onions). There was nothing wrong per se, it just didn't taste right to me.
So I'll definitely be making the seitan again, but maybe I'll just make regular mashed potatoes my way instead.