Saturday morning Josh and I slept in incredibly late, and found ourselves waking up just in time for lunch. Feeling (crazy?) spontaneous, we decided to head out to BGR "The Burger Joint" in Bethesda. But rather than do something silly like drive the 4.4 miles to get there from our apartment, we decided to run there instead. Since we hadn't eaten anything, I had a quick piece of peanut butter toast to fuel me for the endeavor, and we headed out.
I did not feel like running at all. My legs felt heavy, and I complained basically every time we started going even slightly uphill. But eventually we made it. By the time we got there, I didn't even really want a burger, but I was certainly happy to get a giant Mellow Yellow - I don't think I'd ever had one before ... it tastes like Mountain Dew, but perhaps slightly less intense (more mellow?).
BGR's definitely not the cheapest place around ... $27 for two sodas, two burgers, and a cookie for Josh ... but I would definitely be interested in going back. Maybe I'll even run there again. It's a good way to earn yourself a giant burger. Especially if there's a bus to get you home again!
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